Quick Setup
This quick setup guide is intended for regular validator nodes. If you're a CR council member, please follow the detailed setup as you will need to run all services.
1. Preparation
Configure your server according to the requirements.
If you opt to use the minimum hardware requirements (i.e. 8GB RAM), it may be helpful to add some swap space to your machine to handle any activity spikes that could cause your memory to hit capacity and result in a node crash. 'Swap space' allocates some of your normal HDD/SDD to be used as RAM as a safety buffer.
The following script is an example of how you could add 8 GB of swap space to your machine.
sudo fallocate -l 8G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
echo '/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
2. Download the Automatic Script
The following shell command will download the current version of the script and make it executable.
mkdir ~/node
cd ~/node
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastos/Elastos.Node/master/build/skeleton/node.sh
chmod a+x node.sh
3. Initialize the ELA Program
The init command will do the following jobs automatically:
- Downloads and extract the prebuilt package
- Prompts the user to enter the initial parameters (choose a strong password)
- Writes the config files required
~/node/node.sh ela init
Please input a password (ENTER to use a random one)
? Password:
Generating random password...
Saving ela keystore password...
Checking ela keystore...
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
EUX2Zz1r9bc6GtCHCD1qWfGEKzuY...... 03af7417cfef028a8138394c5fecb708b40b7dd512381a56a96......
---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
You must update the nodepublickey through the Essentials App, and complete the binding of the registered node in your wallet to the server node. This is necessary to participate as a validator and to gain rewards
INFO: ela config file: /home/ubuntu/node/ela/config.json
INFO: ela keystore file: /home/ubuntu/node/ela/keystore.dat
INFO: ela keystore password file: /home/ubuntu/.config/elastos/ela.txt
OK: ela initialized
The init
command will try to find the server's public IP automatically, and record the result in ela config file. You can check it by running:
cat ~/node/ela/config.json | jq .Configuration.DPoSConfiguration.IPAddress
4. Start the ELA Program
The start command will start the ELA
program in the background. This will begin synchronizing block data on the mainchain. This may take several hours to complete.
~/node/node.sh ela start
5. Check the Status
The status command will show all programs (chains) that are currently running. Watch the height to make sure the chain(s) is synchronized.
~/node/node.sh status
To check the status of only the mainchain, use:
~/node/node.sh ela status
Now the initial setup is complete.
For a more detailed setup and usage, please refer to the longer edition.
Upgrade Tools
Use Elastos.ELA.MiscTools to quickly complete node upgrades. Instructions will generally be provided when major releases are announced.